Why F# could be the next mainstream programming language

I wholeheartedly believe that F# could be the next, big mainstream programming language. At the very least it has a lot going for it—to wit:

Let me go ahead and make a bold claim: I believe that F# is a strictly superior choice for enterprise business applications than most mainstream languages.

So, what’s the catch? For the moment, F# still has some drawbacks:

Both of these problems are eminently fixable.

If you’re a functional programming junkie looking for your next “hit”, F# will probably leave you disappointed. It does have some unique and interesting features, such as type providers, active patterns and computation expressions, but overall it doesn’t offer as power or excitement as something like Scala or Haskell. However, if you want to ship software on time, on budget and to spec, in a way that scales to large teams, I would urge you to give F# a shot.